Facial Hair Removal at Home
The growth of hair on different parts of the body depends on the hormone. These hormones, known as testosterone helps the hair follicle to get mature. This article focuses on safe methods for facial hair removal at home.
Facial hair growth
Women prefer to remove the excess hair from the body in different ways. The most sensitive part to remove the hair in your face. It’s true that excess growth on the face of women does not look good. And so, they use different methods for facial hair removal.
What are the different methods of removing facial hair growth?
There are a number of methods to remove facial hair. They are:

- Epilating the facial hair
- Use of sling
- Wax method
- Hair depilatory creams
- Home remedies
- Laser therapy
In this article, each method will be described briefly and separately.
Epilating the facial hair
The hair removal machine known as the facial epilator comes with different tweezers and heads. You can change the tweezer according to the body area that you need to be hair-free.
For the face, the epilating head is small with small tweezers inside it. You can use the machine in the wet or dry face and remove the hair in an instant.

- Plug the facial epilator and recharge it fully. If you are in the shower, simply switch on the machine and remove the hair from the face.
- If you are in dry condition, apply some powder on the face and then gently remove all the hair from the face.
- Clean the facial epilator head with the brush and apply a soothing lotion to the face.
- The hair gets removed from the root.
- They do not grow for up to one month.
- The skin becomes smooth and silky.
- The plugging of hair might cause irritation or redness to the face.
- If used with excess pressure, the machine can get damaged.
Use of sling
A sling is a manual thread. In a sling, the thread is tied and twisted in a threading manner so that you can do the threading easily at home. This tool is made to avoid going parlors for facial threading.
- Apply the powder on the face so that the hair can be visible properly.
- Hold the sling from the rear end and start using the thread in the direction opposite to the hair growth.
- After removing all the hair, apply some Aloe vera gel to the face.
- the task of going to a salon every weekend gets reduced to 40 percent.
- The hair is removed easily by your own hands.
- It is a painful procedure when done with your own hands.
- The skin gets cut if used in the wrong direction.
Wax method
Wax is of two types. Cold wax is mainly used on legs and arms, whereas, hot wax is used on every part of the body. In the past days, hot wax was only used in salons. These days, it can be easily used at home and without any difficulty. Women are experts when it comes to their beauty needs. And so, they can now use wax easily at homes by themselves.
- Plug the wax machine in the socket.
- Add some wax bar or beans in the tub.
- Wait until the wax gets melted and gets hot.
- With the help of the spatula, check the temperature of the wax.
- It should not be too hot.
- Apply some wax through the spatula on the area of the face.
- The layer of the wax should not be too thick or too thin.
- After the application waits for 30 seconds and then pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
- Repeat the process for the whole face wax.
- After the completion, apply after wax oil to the face.
- Hair growth gets reduced with the passage of time.
- It is not a painful procedure.
- The skin can get burned if very hot wax is applied.
- The skin can get loose due to the pressure pulling in the opposite direction.
Hair depilatory creams can help facial hair removal.
There are various brands available for buying the hair depilator creams. These creams are made with chemicals that remove the hair in 5 minutes. These creams are scented and give smooth skin after the application.
This is how to do it safely:

- Wet your skin and do not apply any chemical to the skin. Apply the hair removal cream with the help of the spatula.
- Leave for 10 minutes.
- Remove the hair and wash it properly.
- Do not use any deodorant after the cream for about 12 hours.
- The hair gets removed easily and quickly.
- There is no pain.
- The skin gets smooth and soft.
- The skin can get irritated due to the chemicals present in it.
- Hair growth is faster as compared to other methods.
- It’s a gruesome task that is not liked by many women.
Best and safe home remedies to facial hair removal
Beyond any doubt, home remedies with natural substances to remove the unwanted hair actually works. you just need a couple of ingredients and some patience to get rid of the facial hair permanently.
Method 1
Maybe you’ve seen egg dry previously and how it makes a film-like substance. It’s this power you will saddle when utilizing egg for removing the hair.
To attempt it yourself, you’ll require:

1/2 tbsp cornflower
1 egg white
1 tbsp sugar
- Combine the fixings, at that point apply a thin layer to spotless, dry skin.
- Leave the blend to set all over (around 15-20 minutes). It should shape a film.
- Start to peel. The cover won’t just concentrate polluting influences, yet in addition, lift light facial hair.
The egg is a cheap and delicate method for treating undesirable facial hair.
Method 2
In case you’re searching for a long haul arrangement, you might need to think about Papaya.
In spite of the fact that papaya won’t expel hair medium-term, after some time, an extraordinary compound called papain inside the natural product will debilitate hair follicles, forestalling re-development.
You’ll require:
1-2 tbsp pounded, crude papaya tissue
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
- Combine the papaya and turmeric to shape a glue.
- Rub onto the skin generously, rubbing the blend in so it achieves hair follicles.
- Leave for 15 minutes.
- Wash off with water.
- Rehash frequently to see a decrease in hair development (2-3 times/week).
Papaya smells flavorful as well as could be a lasting answer for your undesirable facial hair as well. Who’d have thought it!
- Easy and cheap.
- It can be applied at any time of the day.
Cons :
- It may not provide the desired results.
- It may cause an allergic reaction.
Laser therapy is the permanent facial hair removal method
Since technology has advanced a lot, nowadays the permanent solution for removing facial hair growth is laser therapy. The technology uses radiation to kill the hair follicles permanently. This leads to the inhibition of hair growth.
- The face gets hair free permanently.
- It is an expensive procedure.
So whatever method you are choosing for removing the hair from the face, make sure that it does not cause any damage to the face or the follicles inside it. Any severe damage can even lead to the carcinoma of the skin.
Our recommendation would be to use a facial epilator at home to remove facial hair safely and smoothly.
Best I have ever used is the Karmin